MiKRo.ORga_NizMoz 3N Be-Bi)Daz Fer:Men/Ta/DAz D3L A-GA)vE

Por Génesis Gatica Porcayo

Ciudad de México. 23 de septiembre de 2016 (Agencia Informativa Conacyt).- México es el país que tiene el mayor número de especies de agave en el mundo, ya que cuenta con 75 por ciento de los ejemplares existentes, de acuerdo con el investigador Rubén Moreno Terrazas. La presencia del agave es considerada como un símbolo de la cultura, tradiciones y costumbres de la nación, del que se tiene un registro aproximado de 165 a 200 especies en el país.

Desde tiempos prehispánicos, el uso del agave en México se ha caracterizado por la producción de bebidas que hoy son consideradas tradicionales, como el pulque o el mezcal, incluido el tequila. Pero, ¿qué microorganismos están presentes en los procesos de fermentación de las bebidas de agave?

Ante la necesidad de conocer más acerca de los microorganismos que están presentes en estos procesos, se busca identificar los organismos clave con el objetivo de estudiarlos y controlarlos para obtener una mejor producción de bebidas a nivel industrial.

En entrevista para la Agencia Informativa Conacyt, el doctor Rubén Moreno Terrazas, investigador del Departamento de Ingeniería y Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA), explicó las razones por las que el protocolo en el que se encuentra trabajando, en colaboración con otras instituciones como la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y el Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco (Ciatej), permitirá conocer con mayor detalle las características y tratamiento posterior de los microorganismos.

Importancia de analizar la microbiota

Según Rubén Moreno Terrazas, esta planta es un recurso natural que ha sido explotado por muchos años no solo para la producción de bebidas, sino también para consumo medicinal o alimenticio, por lo tanto es considerado un instrumento importante de investigación para saber más de sus propiedades y de los fenómenos que rodean su aprovechamiento.

En función del grado de fermentación es la evolución de la microbiota, en el que las bacterias lácticas disminuyen el pH y acidifican el producto para dar paso a las levaduras, que son las encargadas de producir el alcohol. Las levaduras incrementan su presencia en este proceso y, a medida que hay una mayor producción de alcohol, las bacterias lácticas disminuyen, por lo que el producto final puede dañarse si el proceso de fermentación se deja por más tiempo del debido.e acuerdo con el investigador, el término microbiota hace referencia a todos aquellos microorganismos que participarán en los procesos de transformación de las materias primas, en este caso del agave, para la elaboración de diferentes bebidas destiladas y no destiladas.

“A través de proyectos anteriores habíamos visto que existe una gran cantidad de microorganismos presentes a lo largo de la fermentación en productos como pulque o mezcal”, declaró el investigador, afirmando que, con los diversos estudios en esta especie de planta a través del tiempo, han mejorado los sistemas de identificación y taxonomía de los diferentes microorganismos.

Han hecho aislamientos de diversas especies de microorganismos presentes, que de alguna manera inciden en los procesos de transformación que dan las características a las bebidas de agave destiladas y no destiladas y han buscado ver qué posibilidades de aprovechamiento tienen fuera del ambiente del que se aislaron.

Estudiando otros usos

Con el estudio de la microbiota se pretende no solamente conocer de ella, sino se busca aprender a controlarla para tener otros usos, como poseer el conocimiento necesario para manejarlos en su lugar de producción, así como conservarlos en laboratorios con el objetivo de tener reservas a manera de banco de especies que intervienen en los procesos de fermentación de las bebidas.

“Nuestra idea es hacer una descripción a lo largo de todos los procesos y observar cómo van modificándose las poblaciones a través de toda la fermentación”, explicó además que es importante saber la influencia de la variedad de poblaciones en los cambios en las materias primas y en las características del producto final.

Los resultados más relevantes que este tipo de proyectos ha dado, además de observar el papel de los microorganismos, las sustancias que producen y los cambios que presentan a lo largo de la fermentación, es que se ha visto que hay bacterias con capacidad probiótica, sobre todo en bebidas como el pulque, lo que permitirá crear nuevas alternativas para la atención a la salud.

A través de AgaRed, un sistema de aprovechamiento y promoción de las bondades del agave, se está buscando conjuntar a todos aquellos investigadores alrededor del país que enfocan sus proyectos en el estudio de los usos y propiedades de este recurso, como el uso del pulque para elaborar pan en el estado de Coahuila, por ejemplo.

La idea de este tipo de proyectos de investigación y divulgación es dar a conocer al público lo que se está haciendo con el aprovechamiento de esta planta que, además de identificar las bacterias que pueden mejorar la calidad de las bebidas fermentadas, se puede comprobar que existen otros usos a nivel de salud y alimentación.



Dr. Rubén Moreno Terrazas
Departamento de Ingeniería y Ciencias Químicas
Universidad Iberoamericana

5950 4000 ext. 4062

PsY:ChO Bio[tiKs] GuT Bio”MaKer/S aNd The/ FuTuRe Of _ MEnThaL CaRe

The past five years have been an especially rapid time of discovery, thanks to scientists studying the gut microbiota and how it influences the gut-brain axis—the two-way communication channel between the digestive tract and the brain. Not only are links being made between gut microbiota composition and conditions like depression and anxiety, but the gut also shows potential for revealing new approaches to diagnosis and treatment of brain-related disorders.

Jane A. Foster, associate professor at the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences of McMaster University (Canada), has zeroed in on the gut microbiota and its metabolites in her study of the relationship between body and brain. She and other scientists are on a quest to find parameters in the gut that could tell them something about the brain—especially when it comes to addressing mental health.

Foster says, “What we’re looking at is the signalling systems that might go between the bacteria in the gut and the brain, because in the long run we want to know if biomarkers that we can look at outside the brain might give us indications of what’s happening in the central nervous system.”

“We have studies going on both in mice and in people,” she explains. “In the people we’re interested in getting a blood test, or a urine marker that we can use as a marker to help determine: how can we clean up some of the heterogeneity in mental illness by sub-typing people into better groups so that we can apply the correct treatment?”

This would mean, for instance, from the large and diverse group of people currently categorized as having depression, it might be possible to identify smaller groups with something biologically in common. This ‘precision medicine’ approach could involve directing people toward more effective treatments. Foster gives an example of how it could play out: “Somebody comes into their doctor’s office and the doctor can do a blood test or [brain imaging] that would identify the best approach for that individual—whether it be [a drug], neural stimulation, cognitive behavioural therapy—among all the choices for depressed patients.”

At the same time, Foster and other scientists are looking to realize the development of new mental health treatments that leverage the gut microbiome, called “psychobiotics”.

The term psychobiotic was introduced by Irish scientists in 2013 and originally referred to a subset of probiotics that could produce a health benefit in those with psychiatric illness. Foster says, “People like the term—it makes them think about it, and that’s a good thing.” She supports a recent proposal by the same Irish scientists to expand the definition of psychobiotics beyond probiotics, to include prebiotics and other means of influencing the microbiome for the benefit of mental health.

Certain probiotics are leading contenders in the category of psychobiotics, according to Foster. For example, probiotics were associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms, especially for those aged 60 or younger, in a review of multiple studies on probiotics for depression; moreover, some species of probiotics appeared to reduce both depression and anxiety in another review of multiple studies.

Psychobiotic treatments need more study in humans, especially when it comes to understanding how the biology works—but they could be a reality sooner than some people think, says Foster. “Some products are readily available and they’re being applied to clinical trials,” she notes. “They’re easy to apply to clinical populations. Even if it’s an adjunctive treatment.”

Understandings of mental health may change rapidly in the years ahead as we come to grasp new therapeutic approaches enabled by this gut-brain work. “It’s one of the fastest moving areas I’ve ever seen,” Foster says. “The ideas that we’ve generated in the mouse, the fact that clinical people are talking about them immediately has never been seen before.”

Kristina Campbell

Kristina Campbell
Science writer Kristina Campbell (M.Sc.), from British Columbia (Canada), specializes in communicating about the gut microbiota, digestive health, and nutrition. Author of the best selling Well-Fed Microbiome Cookbook, her freelance work has appeared in publications around the world. Kristina joined the Gut Microbiota for Health publishing team in 2014.  Find her on:Google • Twitter

A Traü>Ma/Tik 3x.PeriènCe CÅN R3:ShÅPė YöÛR. Mi>KròBîo/ME


By Susie Neilson



I’m not disputing the scientific soundness of the whole brain-gut connection, but it really does sound a little bit like something out of a science-fiction story. I mean, you’re telling me that the trillions of tiny organisms that live in my gut, chomping up my food for me and maintaining my digestive system, have an impact on what I think and do and say? That the content of my thoughts might be at least partially determined by the eggs I had for breakfast, or the vitamin C I haven’t consumed enough of? It boggles the mind (at least, a mind influenced by my microbiome, fueled almost exclusively by Sour Patch Kids).


Strange as it may seem, though, it’s also a case of our science finally catching up to our idioms. Without realizing it, we’ve been talking about the link between brain and gut for a long time: Ever had a gut-wrenching car ride, or a gut instinct about someone, or butterflies in your stomach? In less colorful terms, the stomach and the mind really do talk to one another; in one study, for example, tentative mice that received gut bacteria transplants from braver ones became more fearless, exploring a maze with less hesitation. So strong is the microbiome’s impact that some have deemed it the “second brain.” And recently, a team of researchers found that our guts may harbor evidence of difficult life experiences many years after the fact, changing everything from how we digest food to how we process stress. In fact, these changes in our “second brain” may substantially alter the structure of our first, creating a feedback loop between the two.

For the study, published last month in the journal Microbiome, the authors analyzed the microbiomes of a group of students with irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, a fairly common chronic condition marked by pain in the stomach, gas, and indigestion. (Though there are ways to manage IBS, many of which involve reducing stress, we don’t know what causes the syndrome.) They did the same for a control group of healthy volunteers, and also collected brain scans, stool samples, and behavioral and biographical information from participants in both categories.

The results were startling: Across the board, those in the IBS group were far more likely to exhibit anxiety and depression. When the researchers further divided IBS-afflicted subjects into two smaller groups — those with a microbiome undistinguishable from that of a healthy control, and those with noticeable differences — they found that the subgroup with different microbiomes also had more history of early life trauma, and their IBS symptoms lasted longer. “It is possible,” the authors wrote, “that the signals the gut and its microbes get from the brain of an individual with a history of childhood trauma may lead to lifelong changes in the gut microbiome.”

It’s also possible — or even probable — that the relationship isn’t uni-directional. The researchers noticed that the people with altered microbiomes had differently shaped brains, too, suggesting that the impacted gut may have doubled back and impacted certain brain regions — though they noted in the study that they don’t have enough information to be sure that’s the case, and cautioned against leaping to conclusions. Even more than the science of the gut on its own, the science of what how it affects the brain is still in its infancy; rather than arriving at any firm conclusions, this study is meant to open up the field more, laying a foundation for future researchers to build on.

If it’s true that the gut influences the brain just as the brain impacts the gut, though, then these findings may have tremendous implications for both mental and physical health. It might be a stretch to say that anxiety meds could one day be supplemented with kombucha, but it’s not too wild to imagine a future where treating ailments of the mind also involves treating the digestive system, or vice versa (already, some people are using talk therapy to ease IBS). For now, it can’t hurt to remember the connection between the two, and do everything in your power to live a life that gives you peace of mind — because it’ll give you peace of stomach, too.

Vi.Tri_Ne Sub:JECti:Ve

Durante la próxima edición de la Nuit Blanche, el artista Arcángelo Constantini en colaboración con Rodrigo Sigal, Iracema de Andrade, Skot Deeming y Jorge Ramírez, presentarán bakteria.org Vi.Tri_NA Sub:JEti:Va. El proyecto multidisciplinario se basa en la improvisación y la presentación de procesos creativos en tiempo real, así como en la experimentación con nuevos medios y nuevas tecnologías.
Pour la prochaine edition de la Nuit Blanche, l’artist Arcangelo Constantini en collaboration avec Rodrigo Sigal, Iracema de Andrade, Skot Deeming et Jorge Ramírez, vous présenteront bakteria.org Vi.Tri_Ne Sub:JECti:Ve. Ce projet multidisciplinaire est basé sur improvisation et la présentation de processus de création en temps réel, ainsi que sur expérimentation de nouveaux médias et de nouvelles technologies.

For the next edition of the Nuit Blanche, the artist Arcangelo Constantini in collaboration with Rodrigo Sigal, Iracema de Andrade, Skot Deeming and Jorge Ramírez, will be presenting bakteria.org Sub:JECti:Ve Vi.Tri_Ne. The multidisciplinary project is based on improvisation and the presentation of creative processes in real time, as well as experimentation with new media and new techologies.

sTra,TöS,PHerik Mi.KRo.Bio,Mechä.Ni,KaL ,LiF3




Th-is Sci-en,ti,st SA.ys He Ke_eps Fin:ding Ali:ens (in) the Stra-to’sphere

Written by


It’s not easy convincing the world you’ve found aliens. But that’s what one British professor says he’s done, over and over again. His latest proof, he tells me, is his strongest yet. Should we take him seriously?

In fall of 2013, Milton Wainwright, a researcher at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, made international headlines when he claimed that microorganisms he found in the stratosphere were not of this world. The organisms are believed to come from a class of algae called diatoms, were collected roughly 16 miles above the Earth’s surface using a balloon, and, according to Wainwright, have been raining down on the Earth, carried by meteorites, for perhaps many millennia.

The story goes something like this. Wainwright found these organisms 16 miles above Earth. He says that’s too high for any life from Earth to float in a jet stream, and he says the organisms are too heavy to get up that high without a recent volcanic blast. He says there were no recent blasts before the expedition, and, furthermore, the collection apparatus showed tiny divots in it, suggesting that these organisms hit the tin with some sort of speed. His conclusion, then, is that these organisms came from space.

“This we think is a deflated balloon-like biological entity. Perhaps when inflated, it aided flotation in the atmosphere or sea of another world,” Wainwright said. Image: Milton Wainwright

While the we-found-aliens headline played well among the tabloids of the world, Wainwright’s discovery was unceremoniously tossed aside by science journalists.

“The methodology was sloppy, the conclusions were not at all supported by the evidence, and heck,he hadn’t even established that the rocks they found were in fact meteorites!,” Slate’s Phil Plait wrote.

“All the time when you walk outside, you are being pelted with organisms that come from space”

Plait isn’t wrong—the original evidence was flimsy, and there was no shortage of scientists standing in line ready to say so. But few said he was outright wrong. Many who spoke out at the time said that, while there wasn’t enough evidence to call these things aliens, panspermia—the idea that alien life may regularly travel to Earth from space—isn’t entirely nuts.

Now, Wainwright has made another claim. He says he has found these organisms 25 miles above the Earth, that they test positive for DNA, and that they have masses that are “six times bigger than the size limit of a particle which can be elevated from Earth to this height, even following a violent volcanic eruption.”

Wainwright announced the find in an email to some of his students at Sheffield, who naturally, posted the thing on Reddit.

DNA-positive potential alien. Image: Milton Wainwright

So, I called Wainwright to hear what he has to say. Let’s make it clear now—I have no idea if Wainwright has, indeed, found aliens. His first paper was published in a somewhat dubious journal, and it certainly didn’t contain “extraordinary proof” of alien life, which is what one NASA scientist said he would need in order to take Wainwright’s claims seriously.

“These organisms are biological, have a definite structure, and are not related to organisms on Earth. We sent balloons and a sampler and found no pollen or grass, nothing up there to contaminate, it was completely pristine,” Wainwright told me. “There are impact events on the sampler. They make craters on the sampler—if they come up from Earth, they would be coming against gravity.”

“For these reasons, we think they are coming from space,” he added. “All the time when you walk outside, you are being pelted with organisms that come from space.”

Wainwright says his newest paper has been accepted in an “international astrobiology journal” but hasn’t said which one and hasn’t said when the new findings will be published. He seemed taken aback when I emailed him about it, and wasn’t quite ready to discuss the new findings, but agreed to talk because the email was already on the internet.

Wainwright’s students preparing a balloon to go to the stratosphere. Image: Milton Wainwright

Take this paragraph with many grains of salt. But, hypothetically, Wainwright’s discovery would fundamentally change much of what we know about the origins of life on Earth and about biology in general. He says comets could seed life throughout the universe, and could, in fact, be the origin of life altogether. He says that, instead of a continuous evolution from a couple cells millions of years ago, there could be many evolutionary trees. No common ancestor, just a bunch of different common ancestors that landed here at different times.

“When I ask why they don’t believe it, they say, ‘because it can’t be true'”

Wainwright says he knows how people talk about him and he knows that few believe him. But he’s still plodding along.

“NASA is going to have to show it for people to ultimately believe it,” Wainwright said. “If NASA printed it, people would believe it. All we can do is keep putting it out, keep publishing, hope someone will look into it. It seems unbelievable.”

The thing is, maybe NASA will do it. NASA has a nascent balloon science division, and it is increasingly doing experiments in the stratosphere. And scientists have long been interested in—and have reported finding—organisms in the stratosphere. But many of those discoveries have been ignored or attributed to contaminated rockets carrying life from Earth (and back down, where it is “discovered”).

In the meantime, Wainwright is continuing to send balloons into the atmosphere. He’s hoping to run some DNA tests in the future and wants his evidence to be as rock-solid as possible.

“All we can do is keep going, we’ve got another 10 launches going out,” he said. “I give these talks at meetings and no one tells us where we’re going wrong. When I ask why they don’t believe it, they say, ‘because it can’t be true.’ There’s been a lot of complete avoidance of the issues.”

On that, Wainwright isn’t quite right. Lots of scientists have said why they’re skeptical—they’ve posited how the microbes could reach that high, they’ve said what, specifically, they need to see before they believe it’s alien life (amino acids that are unlike those found on Earth). Without seeing his paper, it’s impossible to take his newest claim any more seriously than the first one.

But still, it seems likely that Wainwright has found something up there. No scientists or journalists have suggested that he’s lying about actually finding the organisms. And that, alone, is notable. Anything that manages to survive 25 miles above the Earth’s surface is surely worth further study.




PET PLàsTïK. PöLLuTiöN. mOLE,KUL.àR. bre!AKER.



Nature has begun to fight back against the vast piles of filth dumped into its soils, rivers and oceans by evolving a plastic-eating bacteria – the first known to science.

In a report published in the journal Science, a team of Japanese researchers described a species of bacteria that can break the molecular bonds of one of the world’s most-used plastics – polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PET or polyester.

The Japanese research team sifted through hundreds of samples of PET pollution before finding a colony of organisms using the plastic as a food source.

Further tests found the bacteria almost completely degraded low-quality plastic within six weeks. This was voracious when compared to other biological agents; including a related bacteria, leaf compost and a fungus enzyme recently found to have an appetite for PET.

“This is the first rigorous study – it appears to be very carefully done – that I have seen that shows plastic being hydrolyzed [broken down] by bacteria,” said Dr Tracy Mincer, a researcher at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

The molecules that form PET are bonded very strongly, said Prof Uwe Bornscheuer in an accompanying comment piece in Science. “Until recently, no organisms were known to be able to decompose it.”

In a Gaian twist, initial genetic examination revealed the bacteria, namedIdeonella sakaiensis 201-F6, may have evolved enzymes specifically capable of breaking down PET in response to the accumulation of the plastic in the environment in the past 70 years.

Such rapid evolution was possible, said Enzo Palombo, a professor of microbiology at Swinburne University, given that microbes have an extraordinary ability to adapt to their surroundings. “If you put a bacteria in a situation where they’ve only got one food source to consume, over time they will adapt to do that,” he said.

“I think we are seeing how nature can surprise us and in the end the resiliency of nature itself,” added Mincer.

The bacteria took longer to eat away highly crystallised PET, which is used in plastic bottles. That means the enzymes and processes would need refinement before they could be useful for industrial recycling or pollution clean-up.

“It’s difficult to break down highly crystallised PET,” said Prof Kenji Miyamoto from Keio University, one of the authors of the study. “Our research results are just the initiation for the application. We have to work on so many issues needed for various applications. It takes a long time,” he said.

Electron microscope image of a degraded PET film surface after washing out adherent cells. The inset shows intact PET film.
 Electron microscope image of a degraded PET film surface after washing out adherent cells. The inset shows intact PET film. Photograph: Science Journal, Yoshida et. al.

A third of all plastics end up in the environment and 8m tonnes end up in the ocean every year, creating vast accumulations of life-choking rubbish.

PET makes up almost one-sixth of the world’s annual plastic production of 311m tons. Despite PET being one of the more commonly recycled plastics, the World Economic Forum (WEF) reports that only just over half is ever collected for recycling and far less actually ends up being reused.

Advances in biodegradable plastics and recycling offer hope for the future, said Bornscheuer, “but [this] does not help to get rid of the plastics already in the environment”.

However the potential applications of the discovery remain unclear. The most obvious use would be as a biological agent in nature, said Palombo. Bacteria could be sprayed on the huge floating trash heaps building up in the oceans. This method is most notably employed to combat oil spills.

This particular bacteria would not be useful for this process as it only consumes PET, which is too dense to float on water. But Bornscheuer said the discovery could open the door to the discovery or manufacture of biological agents able to break down other plastics.

Palombo said the discovery suggested that other bacteria may have already evolved to do this job and simply needed to be found.

“I would not be surprised if samples of ocean plastics contained microbes that are happily growing on this material and could be isolated in the same manner,” he said.

But Mincer said breaking down ocean rubbish came with dangers of its own.Plastics often contain additives that can be toxic when released. WEF estimates that the 150m tonnes of plastic currently in the ocean contain roughly 23m tonnes of additives.

“Plastic debris may have been less toxic in the whole unhydrolyzed form where it would ultimately have been buried in the sediments on a geological timescale,” said Mincer.

Beyond dealing with the plastic already fouling up the environment, the bacteria could potentially be used in industrial recycling processes.

“Certainly, the use of these microbes or enzymes could play a role in remediation of plastic in a controlled reactor,” said Mincer.

Miyamoto’s team suggested that the environmentally-benign constituents left behind by the bacteria could be the same ones from which the plastic is formed. If this were true and a process could be developed to isolate them, Bornscheuer said: “This could provide huge savings in the production of new polymer without the need for petrol-based starting materials.” According to the WEF, 6% of global oil production is devoted to the production of plastics.

But the plastics industry said the potential for a new biological process to replace or augment the current mechanical recycling process was very small.

“PET is 100% recyclable,” said Mike Neal, the chairman of the Committee of PET Manufacturers in Europe. “I expect that a biodegradation system would require a similar engineering process to chemical depolymerisation and as such is unlikely to be economically viable,” he said.

El Prin-CiPîö de La FöRMa ((( 3VôLûCîôN-Muta-CîöN ))) Sci:EnTi-StS un.VeiL :N3W Tr33 Of Li.Feee

A team of scientists unveiled a new tree of life on Monday, a diagram outlining the evolution of all living things. The researchers found that bacteria make up most of life’s branches. And they found that much of that diversity has been waiting in plain sight to be discovered, dwelling in river mud and meadow soils.

“It is a momentous discovery — an entire continent of life-forms,” said Eugene V. Koonin of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, who was not involved in the study.

The study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.

In his 1859 book “On the Origin of Species,” Charles Darwin envisioned evolution like a branching tree. The “great Tree of Life,” he said, “fills with its dead and broken branches the crust of the earth, and covers the surface with its ever branching and beautiful ramifications.”

Ever since, biologists have sought to draw the tree of life. The invention of DNA sequencing revolutionized that project, because scientists could find the relationship among species encoded in their genes.

In the 1970s, Carl Woese of the University of Illinois and his colleagues published the first “universal tree of life” based on this approach. They presented the tree as three great trunks.

Our own trunk, known as eukaryotes, includes animals, plants, fungi and protozoans. A second trunk included many familiar bacteria like Escherichia coli.

The third trunk that Woese and his colleagues identified included little-known microbes that live in extreme places like hot springs and oxygen-free wetlands. Woese and his colleagues called this third trunk Archaea.


The new tree of life that researchers published on Monday. It shows that much of Earth’s biodiversity is bacteria, top, half of which includes “candidate phyla radiation” that are still waiting to be discovered. Humans are in the bottom branch of eukaryotes.CreditJill Banfield/UC Berkeley, Laura Hug/University of Waterloo

Scientists who wanted to add new species to this tree of life have faced a daunting challenge: They do not know how to grow the vast majority of single-celled organisms in their laboratories.

A number of researchers have developed a way to get around that. They simply pull pieces of DNA out of the environment and piece them together.

In recent years, Jillian F. Banfield of the University of California, Berkeley and her colleagues have been gathering DNA from many environments, like California meadows and deep sea vents. They have been assembling the genomes of hundreds of new microbial species.

The scientists were so busy reconstructing the new genomes that they did not know how these species might fit on the tree of life. “We never really put the whole thing together,” Dr. Banfield said.

Recently, Dr. Banfield and her colleagues decided it was time to redraw the tree.

They selected more than 3,000 species to study, bringing together a representative sample of life’s diversity. “We wanted to be as comprehensive as possible,” said Laura A. Hug, an author of the new study and a biologist at the University of Waterloo in Canada.

The researchers studied DNA from 2,072 known species, along with the DNA from 1,011 species newly discovered by Dr. Banfield and her colleagues.

The scientists needed a supercomputer to evaluate a vast number of possible trees. Eventually, they found one best supported by the evidence.

It’s a humbling thing to behold. All the eukaryotes, from humans to flowers to amoebae, fit on a slender twig. The new study supported previous findings that eukaryotes and archaea are closely related. But overshadowing those lineages is a sprawling menagerie of bacteria.

Remarkably, the scientists didn’t have to go to extreme places to find many of their new lineages. “Meadow soil is one of the most microbially complex environments on the planet,” Dr. Hug said.

Another new feature of the tree is a single, large branch that splits off near the base. The bacteria in this group tend to be small in size and have a simple metabolism.

Dr. Banfield speculated that they got their start as simple life-forms in the first chapters in the history of life. They have stuck with that winning formula ever since.

“This is maybe an early evolving group,” Dr. Banfield said. “Their advantage is just being around for a really long time.”

Brian P. Hedlund, a microbiologist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas who was not involved in the new study, said that one of the most striking results of the study was that the tree of life was dominated by species that scientists have never been able to see or grow in their labs. “Most of life is hiding under our noses,” he said.

Patrick Forterre, an evolutionary biologist at the Pasteur Institute in France, agreed that bacteria probably make up much of life’s diversity. But he had concerns about how Dr. Banfield and her colleague built their tree. He argued that genomes assembled from DNA fragments could actually be chimeras, made up of genes from different species. “It’s a real problem,” he said.

Dr. Banfield predicted that the bacterial branches of the tree of life may not change much in years to come. “We’re starting to see the same things over and over again,” she said.

Instead, Dr. Banfield said she expected new branches to be discovered for eukaryotes, especially for tiny species such as microscopic fungi. “That’s where I think the next big advance might be found,” Dr. Banfield said.

Dr. Hug disagreed that scientists were done with bacteria. “I’m less convinced we’re hitting a plateau,” she said. “There are a lot of environments still to survey.”

Correction: April 18, 2016
A picture caption on Tuesday with an article about a new tree of life published by scientists referred incorrectly to Methanosarcina, the organism shown. It belongs to the domain archaea, not bacteria.

Pa.Ra.DOxi.KaL Kris:StaLs . Ba.FF-LE PHys.ics(Ts) ToPo.Lo:Gi.Kal . ins.ULa:Tor is A Ho-T , To.PiC




7:00 AM

Interactions between electrons inside samarium hexaboride appear to be giving rise to an exotic quantum behavior new to researchers.Click to Open Overlay Gallery
Interactions between electrons inside samarium hexaboride appear to be giving rise to an exotic quantum behavior new to researchers. ANDREW TESTA FOR QUANTA MAGAZINE
IN A DECEPTIVELY drab black crystal, physicists have stumbled upon a baffling behavior, one that appears to blur the line between the properties of metals, in which electrons flow freely, and those of insulators, in which electrons are effectively stuck in place. The crystal exhibits hallmarks of both simultaneously.


Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine, an editorially independent division of SimonsFoundation.org whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering research developments and trends in mathematics and the physical and life sciences.

“This is a big shock,” said Suchitra Sebastian, a condensed matter physicist at the University of Cambridge whose findings appeared this month in an advance online edition of the journal Science. Insulators and metals are essentially opposites, she said. “But somehow, it’s a material that’s both. It’s contrary to everything that we know.”

The material, a much-studied compound called samarium hexaboride or SmB6, is an insulator at very low temperatures, meaning it resists the flow of electricity. Its resistance implies that electrons (the building blocks of electric currents) cannot move through the crystal more than an atom’s width in any direction. And yet, Sebastian and her collaborators observed electrons traversing orbits millions of atoms in diameter inside the crystal in response to a magnetic field—a mobility that is only expected in materials that conduct electricity. Calling to mind the famous wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics, the new evidence suggests SmB6 might be neither a textbook metal nor an insulator, Sebastian said, but “something more complicated that we don’t know how to imagine.”

“It is just a magnificent paradox,” said Jan Zaanen, a condensed matter theorist at Leiden University in the Netherlands. “On the basis of established wisdoms this cannot possibly happen, and henceforth completely new physics should be at work.”

It is too soon to tell what, if anything, this “new physics” will be good for, but physicists like Victor Galitski, of the University of Maryland, College Park, say it is well worth the effort to find out. “Oftentimes,” he said, “big discoveries are really puzzling things, like superconductivity.” That phenomenon, discovered in 1911, took nearly half a century to understand, and it now generates the world’s most powerful magnets, such as those that accelerate particles through the 17-mile tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland.
Theorists have already begun to venture guesses as to what might be going on inside SmB6. One promising approach models the material as a higher-dimensional black hole. But no theory yet captures the whole story. “I do not think that there is any remotely credible hypothesis proposed at this moment in time,” Zaanen said.

SmB6 has resisted classification since Soviet scientists first studied its properties in the early 1960s, followed by better-known experiments at Bell Labs.

Counting up the electrons in the orbital shells that surround its samarium and boron nuclei indicates that roughly half an electron should be left over, on average, per samarium nucleus (a fraction, because the nuclei have “mixed valence,” or alternating numbers of orbiting electrons). These “conduction electrons” should flow through the material like water flowing through a pipe, and thus, SmB6 should be a metal. “That’s the idea people had back when I started working on this problem as a young guy, around 1975,” said Jim Allen, an experimental physicist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who has studied SmB6 on and off since then.

But while samarium hexaboride does conduct electricity at room temperature, things get strange as it cools. The crystal is what physicists call a “strongly correlated” material; its electrons acutely feel one another’s effects, causing them to lock together into an emergent, collective behavior. Whereas strong correlations in certain superconductors cause the electrical resistance to drop to zero at low temperatures, in the case of SmB6, the electrons seem to gum up when cooled, and the material behaves as an insulator.

The crystal structure of samarium hexaboride, or SmB6.Click to Open Overlay Gallery
The crystal structure of samarium hexaboride, or SmB6. OLENA SHMAHALO/QUANTA MAGAZINE. SOURCE: MIN-FENG
The effect stems from the 5.5 electrons, on average, that occupy an uncomfortably tight shell encasing each samarium nucleus. These close-knit electrons mutually repel one another, and “that essentially tells the electrons, ‘Don’t move around,’” Allen explained. The last half electron trapped in each of these shells has a complex relationship with its other, freer, conducting half. Below minus 223 degrees Celsius, the conduction electrons in SmB6 are thought to “hybridize” with these trapped electrons, forming a new, hybrid orbit around the samarium nuclei. Experts initially believed the crystal turns into an insulator because none of the electrons in this hybrid orbit can move.

“The resistivity shows it’s an insulator; photoemission shows it’s a good insulator; optical absorption shows it’s a good insulator; neutron scattering shows it’s an insulator,” said Lu Li, a condensed matter physicist at the University of Michigan whose experimental group also studies SmB6.

But this is no garden-variety insulator. Not only does its insulating behavior arise from strong correlations between its electrons, but in the past five years, mounting evidence has suggested that it is a “topological insulator” at low temperatures, a material that resists the flow of electricity through its three-dimensional bulk, while conducting electricity along its two-dimensional surfaces. Topological insulators have become one of the hottest topics in condensed matter physics since their 2007 discovery because of their potential use in quantum computers and other novel devices. And yet, SmB6 does not neatly fit that category either.

Early last year, hoping to add to the evidence that SmB6 is a topological insulator, Sebastian and her student Beng Tan visited the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, or MagLab, at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and attempted to measure wavelike undulations called “quantum oscillations” in the electrical resistance of their crystal samples. The rate of quantum oscillations and how they vary as the sample is rotated can be used to map out the “Fermi surface” of the crystal, a signature property “which is sort of the geometry of how the electrons flow through the material,” Sebastian explained.
Sebastian and Tan didn’t see any quantum oscillations in New Mexico, however. Scrambling to salvage Tan’s doctoral project, they measured a less interesting property instead, and, to check these results, booked time at another MagLab location, in Tallahassee, Fla.

In Florida, Sebastian and Tan noticed that their measurement probe had an extra slot with a diving-board-style cantilever on it, which could be used to measure quantum oscillations in the magnetization of their crystals. After failing to see quantum oscillations in the electrical resistance, they hadn’t planned on looking for them in a different material property—but why not? “I was thinking, fine, let’s stick a sample on,” Sebastian said. They cooled down their samples, turned on the magnetic field, and started measuring. Suddenly they realized the signal coming from the diving board was oscillating.

“We were like, wait—what?” she said.

In that experiment and subsequent ones at MagLab, they measured quantum oscillations deep in the interior of their crystal samples. The data translated into a huge, three-dimensional Fermi surface, representing electrons circulating throughout the material in the presence of the magnetic field, as conduction electrons do in a metal. Judging by its Fermi surface, electrons in the interior of SmB6 travel 1 million times farther than its electrical resistance would suggest is possible.

“The Fermi surface is like that in copper; it’s like that in silver; it’s like that in gold,” said Li, whose group reported surface-level quantum oscillations in Science in December. “Not just metals… these are very good metals.”

Somehow, at low temperatures and in the presence of a magnetic field, the strongly correlated electrons in SmB6 can move like those in the most conductive metals, even though they cannot conduct electricity. How can the crystal behave like both a metal and an insulator?

The ultra-pure SmB6 crystals used in the new experiments were grown in an optical furnace heated to 3,000 degrees Celsius at the University of Warwick in England.Click to Open Overlay Gallery
The ultra-pure SmB6 crystals used in the new experiments were grown in an optical furnace heated to 3,000 degrees Celsius at the University of Warwick in England. COURTESY OF GEETHA BALAKRISHNAN
Contamination of the samples might seem likely, if not for another surprising discovery: Not only did Sebastian, Tan and their collaborators find quantum oscillations in an insulator, but the form of the oscillations—namely, how quickly they grew in amplitude as the temperature decreased—greatly diverged from the predictions of a universal formula for conventional metals. Every metal ever tested has conformed to this Lifshitz-Kosevich formula (named for Arnold Kosevich and Evgeny Lifshitz), suggesting that the quantum oscillations in SmB6 come from an entirely new physical phenomenon. “If it were coming from something trivial, like inclusions of some other materials, it would have followed the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula,” Galitski said. “So I think it’s a real effect.”

Amazingly, the observed deviation from the Lifshitz-Kosevich formula was presaged in 2010 by Sean Hartnoll and Diego Hofman, both then at Harvard University, in a paper that recast strongly correlated materials as higher-dimensional black holes, those infinitely steep curves in space-time predicted by Albert Einstein. In their paper, Hartnoll and Hofman investigated the effect of strong correlations in metals by calculating corresponding properties of their simpler black hole model—specifically, how long an electron could orbit the black hole before falling in. “I had calculated what would replace this Lifshitz-Kosevich formula in more exotic metals,” said Hartnoll, who is now at Stanford University. “And indeed it seems that the form [Sebastian] has found can be matched with this formula that I derived.”

This generalized Lifshitz-Kosevich formula holds for a class of metallike states of matter that includes conventional metals, Hartnoll says. But even if SmB6 is another member of this “generalized metal” class, this still does not explain why it acts as an insulator. Other theorists are attempting to model the material with more traditional mathematical machinery. Some say its electrons may be rapidly vacillating between insulating and conducting states in some novel quantum fashion.

Theorists are busy theorizing, and Li and his collaborators are preparing to try and replicate Sebastian’s results with their own samples of SmB6. The chance discovery in Florida was only the first step. Now to resolve the paradox.

Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine, an editorially independent publication of the Simons Foundation whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering research developments and trends in mathematics and the physical and life sciences.