1: Bakteria.org
It is an experimental speculation on multiplicity, symbiosis, consciousness and the creative process of form in poiesis. An experiment on generative and expanded animated drawing, initiated by arcangelo constantini in 1997, when he developed a neuro-algorithm, which he uses as a creative process to draw improvised anthropomorphic organisms. Each drawing he creates is unique and unrepeatable, it emerges spontaneously at the moment of the stroke, and it is not preconceived before the moment of drawing. A neuro-algorithm in which a point is transformed into a line and from a flow of free strokes a unique organism emerges, an idea suggestive of Kandisnky’s Point and Line in the Plane
The spontaneous generation of life, is an old Aristotelian theory, in which it was proposed that life could arise spontaneously from inorganic compounds. This automatic drawing experiment is named Spontaneous Morphogenesis, more than the spontaneous generation of life, is the form, as a reference of life, which is spontaneously generated, in this practice of expanded drawing.
bakteria.org speculates on the concept of animation as the state of livelines and the origin of life. From each entity of the thousands of distinct characters been drawn, emanates an Anima, with its own essence. To address this flow of thoughts, the emergence of bakteria has been documented, with different media, to register the generation of the organism, and capture and share the flow of strokes in the drawing as a real time animation. the hypothetical MorphoGenesis Neuro Algorithm of generative drawing that creates form and character
pÖLaR Gr4PH BaT>CH. 001
Vitrina Subjetiva

is a live audiovisual performance, For these graphic interventions we use a modified acrylic paint marker, the drawings are made directly on window panes, this marker has an integrated camera, that films with a subjective first person point of view and transmit it via wifi. One or two live coding sound artists are invited to program sound live, the video signal of the code and the signal of the marker are projected , live drawing and live coding sharing a metaphor on visual and sound algorithms, analog and digital, conscious and subconscious, objective and subjective, static and animated, invisible and visible, poetic and hypothetical, with sense and nonsense, at the drawing each Bakteria, they are named, these words are declamated using a vocoder and FM broadcast
this performance has been held in Espacio México Montreal Gallery , Museo de Arte Moderno in Mexico City , and Biblioteca Bicentenario In Chihuahua ,
all the process is registred to create subsecuent for internet and exhibit in place

Bacteria and Archae are simple and basic unicellular organisms of the prokaryote family, which in evolutionary, mutualistic and symbiotic processes gave rise to the eukaryotic multicellular organisms that evolved into all the biological forms and structures that have existed on the planet. From simple forms, complex forms emerged.
The human organism has its origin in this primordial soup and lives in endosymbiosis with the bacteria, as the microbiota forms a fundamental part of the metabolic processes, health, and emotions. In reality we are more bacteria than humans, since they are more numerous than the cells of our body, a multiplicity of diverse organisms form our microbiota without them we could not live.
The hologenome is an evolutionary hypothesis, in the body there are about eight million twenty-seven thousand genomes, of which only twenty-seven thousand are human, the other million pieces of information belong to all the microorganisms that inhabit the human body
The act of drawing bakteria, is to release the direct consciousness on the process, meditate on endosymbiosis, on the microorganisms that inhabit the body, on the conscience and the Self. At the moment of drawing, without entering in trance but like a medium, it release them to the paper, in the process they undergo an extreme mutation, from simple organisms they are anthropomorphized, taking an specific personality, they pass from a oniric state to a concrete medium, the paper, to later migrate on a digital process to the web. as interactive visual sonic micro poetic systems, to infect the mind of the users.
Morphology is the studies of both biological and design forms and structures, in the same way, in linguistics, it studies the structure of words.
In the post-war Dadaist movement, led by the poet Andre Breton, automatic writing was developed, as a poetic process in which the conscious is freed and the subconscious is allowed to flow when writing texts that become coherent after the gesture, as well as experimenting with the subconscious mind’s processes using automatic drawing.
The aesthetics of the Bakteria Neuro Algorithm is a local biota that is nourished by the universal trends, its aesthetics is a mixture of morphological mutations without being direct references of some of the traces of the Mesoamerican cultures with microdose of oriental and western aesthetics, the Neuro Algorithm maintains an aesthetic coherence with an evolutionary trace
Since he began to draw Bakteria, in an unusual and empirical way, each one he draws is associated with words that undergo a lexical mutation, these words are spontaneous and arise at the moment of the trace.
Bakteria structures language as an organism that evolves, mutates, changes and transforms, with the advent of computer systems, an arsenal of ascii characters as symbols of the international phonetic alphabet, are in a disposition to be used to infect the grammar and to complex and aestheticize the lecture in a Morpho-poetic style.
Bakteria.org is part of an experimental practice in development since 1997, a constant experiment under a specific methodology. It has developed experimental hypotheses of speculation on the structures of reality.
At the beginning, Bakteria was located in the net art repository unosyunosyunosceros.com, which is a site that speculates on the perception of space and the tangible and intangible aspects of reality, with visual and sound speculative experiments on three states of perception ( Oniric-Concrete-Digital). Then the project emigrate to its own domain www.bakteria.org
The main speculation is on the perception of the mind in the oniric realm, a space of subjectivity and immateriality, the concrete as the material and objective, and the new materiality of digital environments.
Bakteria.org is fundamental in this continuous experiment of speculation about reality, a process that starts in the oniric environment (derived from biological and metabolic processes) that lands in a concrete medium (paper) to be derived into digital interactive systems (the network) and to infect by means of the interaction the mind of the users (oniric) returning to the original and initial flow of the project.
The sound is a fundamental part of the project, at the beginning as a public visual-sonic and performative activity. Bakteria has collaborated with a diversity of sound artists, among them, ÁLvaro Ruiz, Manrico Montero, Arthur Henry Fork, Israel Martinez, Juan jose Rivas, Mario De vega, among others
In February 2000, VisuaSonico performed its first live act at the Carrillo Gil Museum of Art, which initiated a stage of public actions that took place in different cities: Montreal, Buenos Aires, Lima, Seoul, Kyoto, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Dortmund, London, Puebla, Monterrey, Oaxaca, among others.
It was developed exponentially by obtaining the support of the National System of Artistic Creators FONCA
Thousands of different organisms have been realized to this date.